Home Donation The Best 14 Catholic Charities in America.

The Best 14 Catholic Charities in America.

by Abbey

   This is the collections of the best Catholic Charity organizations in America, where donors can donate money and render their support. With this list  You can make a donation to support your favorite and genuine charities, in honor or in memory of a family member, friend, an individual, or in recognition of a special occasion.

List of Top America Catholic Charities:

1. Aid for Africa Catholic Missions

Our mission is to Alleviate human suffering among the poor and marginalized in East Africa. Help supply basic human/spiritual needs; build churches, schools, health clinics and youth hostels.
WEB SITE: http://www.a4acm.org
EMAIL livingh2o@livingwatersinternational.org

2. Catholic Campus Ministry Association

Developing the spiritual and theological growth of campus ministers who provide the Catholic Church the gift of an educated and inspired generation of Catholic students.
WEB SITE: http://www.ccmanetwork.org
EMAIL info@ccmanet.org

3. Catholic Charities USA

Catholic Charities USA, through its agencies, contributes to the welfare of our nation in numerous ways, providing vital health and human services to 10,270,292 Americans within the past year. This information is key to helping people understand the value that Catholic Charities as a network provides on a nationwide scale. Our member agencies work together to create hope, strengthen families, reduce poverty, and build communities regardless of religion, race or socio/economic status of clients.
WEB SITE: http://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org
EMAIL: donations@catholiccharitiesusa.org

4. Catholic Health Care for the Poor

We support the sick and poor in more than 100 countries, operating healthcare programs building the capacity of local communities to provide long-term sustainable healthcare.
WEB SITE: http://www.cmmb.org
EMAIL info@cmmb.org

5. Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.

CLINIC and its 270+ affiliates assist low-income immigrants, reunite families, promote citizenship, help victims of domestic violence, advocate, build capacity, and train legal immigration providers.
EMAIL national@cliniclegal.org

6. Catholic Near East Welfare Association (CNEWA)

Across the Middle East, Northeast Africa, India and Eastern Europe, Catholic Near East Welfare Association works in places where poverty and displacement shatter innocent lives. In some of the most troubled places in the world, we help Pope Francis to alleviate poverty, affirm human dignity, build up the church — and inspire hope.
WEB SITE: http://www.cnewa.org
EMAIL: info@cnewa.org

7. Catholic Relief Services – USCCB

Providing emergency and disaster relief, we bring food, shelter, clean water and comfort to God’s most vulnerable children. We promote global health and fight poverty and hunger worldwide by creating sustainable livelihoods through agriculture. As Syria marks five years since the beginning of its brutal civil war, Catholic Relief Services reports that it has supported over one million people affected by the conflict.
EMAIL eunice.kagwimi@crs.org

8. Catholic Service Organizations of America

America’s best Catholic charities, fulfilling the Lord’s request that we care for one another, even for the least of our brothers and sisters.
EMAIL info@catholiccharitiesamerica.org

9. Catholic Youth Foundation USA

Building on the tradition of the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), we foster faith in young people. We offer scholarships, grants, and research that promote Catholic Youth Ministry in America, assuring a faithful future.
EMAIL info@cyfusa.org

10. Catholics Against Capital Punishment

We work to end the death penalty and promote restorative justice. Through education, advocacy, and prayer, we strategically mobilize Catholics and others to end capital punishment, and we amplify the Church’s belief in the dignity of all people.Catholics Against Capital Punishment (aka Catholic Mobilizing Network) launched the National Catholic Pledge to End the Death Penalty in May 2017.
EMAIL info@catholicsmobilizing.org

11. Catholics United for Life

Supporting the Catholic Church’s dedication to defending sacred human life from the moment of conception. Providing youth conferences, defense of religious liberties, and right-to-life education.
EMAIL cesare.tamara@gmail.com

12. Lithuanian Catholic Religious AID, Inc.

LCRA supports orphanages, elder care, summer camps, new media initiative, parish and religious life. Donations are a blessing to Catholics in Lithuania and its diaspora.
EMAIL info@lkrsalpa.org

13. United States Catholic Mission Association

Identifies and calls forth missionary disciples within the church for service and witness – everywhere. USCMA and its members accompany them through the missionary process – hearing the call, response, preparation, service, integration, and leadership. USCMA is a graced opportunity to be renewed and strengthened to carry on the message of Jesus. USCMA must continue to be a voice for mission. Communities and individuals who embrace their baptismal call to mission…(REV. WAYNE PAYSSE, Director-Black and Indian Mission); 
EMAIL uscma@uscatholicmission.org

14. Support Our Aging Religious, Inc. (SOAR!)

Committed to providing financial assistance to retired Sisters, Brothers and Priests through grants to Catholic religious communities to care for their elderly and infirm members. Sister Eileen Houlihan, a member of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Monroe, Michigan, is now 94 years old, and after years of teaching music and singing in church, her hearing has suffered. With new assistive listening devices from SOAR!, “it’s almost the difference between day and night,” she said.
EMAIL info@soar-usa.org

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