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Potential donors are faced with all kinds of doubts: “how do I make sure my donation is safe? Where does the money go? How does my money contribute to the cause of the organization?” Ultimately, what donors are looking for with these questions is to make sure that their contribution goes effectively to where they intended it.
Attracting and retaining donors is one of the biggest challenges facing day-to-day organizations or NGO. This challenge takes on new dimensions when it comes to raising funds online. Here we share some ideas on how to build and sustain your donators trust when making a donation online.
Be Transparent and clear
To gain the trust of donators for your organization cause or projects, it is very important to show them the value of giving before it happens. You have to find a way of inspiring your donors, be truthful and clear, find a way to show them the impact of their contributions in real life.
An example can be seen in the campaign strategy used to promote the cause of the Food Bank Foundation. The organization tried as much as possible to let people know the importance of their donations and who they are really helping.
Never focus on the money, instead you have to focus on the value of giving donation before the donation itself, which is a very valuable resource. Let your importance be on the donators rather than the money itself.
Recognize and Focus on your donors
One of the importance key in getting donations from donors is to recongnize your excisting donators and focus on them. This is useful in two ways: the first is that this will be and also offer a “social test” to your organization and it also make the individual donor feels important through explicit recognition. What you need to know is that, fundamentally on the Internet, people make decisions based on what others do. This is a contagion effect through which people has learn to identify each other. At this point, the testimonies of your collaborators or partners may also be useful.
Keep communication channels open
To build trust you have to communicate. Learn to Communicating with your donors and thank them for their donations or invite them to essential events. People who has contribute to a social cause will want to feel involve in part of the process every moment. That is why it is important to encourage them by letting them know their role in the success of the cause in which they believes. Using online social networking can be a great way to keep communication channels open and creating a link with your donators. It’s not just about asking for money every time, but about showing the efforts your organization is making to fulfill the mission they share.
Have a question and answer section on your website.
It is useful to have a FAQ section on your NGO’s website that will talk about issues such as e.g
- safety when using an online donation platform,
- how donor data are protected,
- how to contribute recurrently,
- among others.
In addition, i will recommend allowing comments in case the reader has other questions to ask, all questions and queries must be answered to convey security and transparency. Assuring potential donors that their contributions will be made safely and effectively can make a big difference between someone who contributes and someone who does not.
I hope these tips will be helpful in motivating potential donors to contribute to your cause!
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