Home Fundraising How to use Twitter to promote/help your charity Organization Cause

How to use Twitter to promote/help your charity Organization Cause

by Abbey
Twitter charity organisations aid
Twitter charity organisations aid
Twitter charity organisations aid

Twitter is a free microblogging tool (think “little blog”) that enables users to share whatever is on their minds at any given time. Twitter essentially asks its users, “What are you doing?” and gives them 140 characters with which to respond. The brief responses people leave on Twitter are perfect for text messages or Web displays, and they can — and typically do — include links to other sites for more information. How exactly do charity  organizations use Twitter?   the idea is to personify your organization and keep the people who follow your Twitter feed close to the action.

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What to post on your organization’s Twitter feed?

So, on your organization’s Twitter feed, you may post a tweet on any of the following:

 ✓ A new program you’re introducing.
 ✓ A link to a story on your Web site about an event you hosted.
 ✓ A call to volunteers for your next social action night.
 ✓ An announcement of an exciting award.
 ✓ A link to a new research study in your area of service.


Twitter users engage each other in real-time conversation by replying directly and posting comments in their Twitter feed responses to each other. Additionally, Twitter users can tweet about a specific topic by using what’s known as a hash tag, which identifies the topic of a post so others can find it easily. For example, the hash tag #cop15 enables a user to search for all the tweets related to the COP 15 summit on global climate in Copenhagen in December 2009.

The best ways to Use Twitter for your charity organization cause:

So how will you use Twitter as part of your organization’s fundraising initiative? Twitter gives organizations that work in any kind of advocacy a great opportunity to become part of the real conversation in their particular industry areas. To help spread the word about your twitter feed (and to attract potential donors and advocates to your cause), post invitations and links to follow you on Twitter on your Web site, e-newsletters, and e-mail messages.

Not sure what to tweet? Send an e-mail message to your staff members asking them what they’re working on today. By choosing what to tweet from different aspects of your organization, you broaden the sense of work your organization does and help users see into the daily life of your group.

With the 140-character messages you post on Twitter, you have a chance to microblog what’s going on with your organization today. In real time, you can give subscribers the feeling of participating in your agency’s work as well as a link back to your site. Here are just a few examples of what you can tweet:

  • Getting ready to announce our 2017 Volunteer of the Year award! Check out our Web site later today!
  • This WSJ article on energy efficiency quotes one of our staff members.
  • We’re planning our dog wash for next Saturday afternoon — sign up on the Web site!

Note: Your tweets aren’t just informational — you also want people who follow your Twitter feed to come back to your site. So don’t forget to link any reference to your Web site or other relevant sites you mention in your tweets.

The 140-character limitation can be a hindrance when you’ve got a really long Web address. You can shorten the Web address by using a utility called TinyURL, which is available online at http://tinyurl.com. Simply go to the site, paste your long Web address in the text box, and click the Make Tiny URL! button. You can then copy and paste the shorter URL (short for Uniform Resource Locator, which means “Web address”) into your tweet and send it normally.

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