Home Donation How to Thank and Appreciate Your Donors

How to Thank and Appreciate Your Donors

by Abbey

   Many donors have stopped supporting organizations because of the way they were treated. Knowing how to say thank you to people who give towards your cause or fundraising is an essential skill, it helps to easily establish a true easy contact in the world of non-profit organizations.

   With limited time and resources, it sometimes happens that NGOs are more focused on asking than thanking for help. Once donation is received, the donor is often neglected, forgetting that, in most cases, it is thanksgiving that ends up generating true empathy with your cause. It is essential, then, to visualize gratitude as the final stage of a donation process. In this article, we intend to give an account of what are the key elements when appreciating and giving thanks, and how we can do it

What should we keep in mind when we thank and appreciate Donators?

1. Focus on the donor. 

The logic behind this strategy is that the donor itself is valuable not only because they are people who are interested in our cause, but because they are interested enough to do something about it. Thus, the donor builds his identity around concrete action, not from a declaration of intentions.

2. Impact of their contributions

Let the donor know the impact of their donations to your organization. Make them feel important by telling them latest news, stories and trend in your organization and how it reflect in the lives of your cause and the society.

3. You are building a relationship

Treat each donation as the beginning of a new relationship. If the donation is done for the first time, this may be the opportunity to build a support or relationship that will last for a long time.

4. Don’t ask for money, Just thank them

Never ask for more money when you send a thank-you note. The message should be simple. Use language that is familiar to donors and explains the reason you are appreciating them. It should be concise, single line and memorable. Do not be boring and formal, your appreciation must be emotional and personal.

5. Appreciate them in time

Do not waste time to say thank you after a donation. Gratitude should occur at most two days after a contribution. Make it relevant. For each fundraising campaign, you should have specific thank-you letters made in advance. In this way, gratitude relates directly to the reasons why your donors contributed. As an organization you must always personalize your donor online thank you form and emails.


Other General things you should also know:

If you are sending mails, please note:

  • Email subject
  • Include a photo
  • Go directly to the point
  • Add a link to “more information”

If you are calling to thank them
For calls:

  • Make it personal (use the person’s name)
  • Make yourself or Organization known
  • Thank them immediately
  • Recognize the particular destination of the contribution
  • Make them feel important.

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